Monday, November 30, 2015
Saturday, November 28, 2015
Friday, November 27, 2015
Thursday, November 26, 2015
An Animated Abraham Lincoln's Thanksgiving Proclamation
In the midst of the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln issued a proclamation for a national day of "Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens".
h/t: Tony Zapata
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
Obama Administration Thinks SUVs More of an Existential Threat than Terrorism?
When President Obama held a joint news conference with French President Francois Hollande less than a fortnight after the coordinated Paris Attacks that killed at least 130 people, Mr. Obama exhorted the public to be firm about keeping climate change summit commitments.
Even the Washington Post's Dana Millbank was so put off by the performance of the putative leader of the Free World that he referred to the President as "O-Bummer".
When 2016 Republican Presidential hopeful Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) opined on Mr. Obama's assessment of existential threats, he analogizes how the Administration ranks climate change as being more threatening to Americans than Islamist terrorism.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015
Tracking NASA's Climate Change Science to a Political Orbit
Once again, serious questions about the science associated with the theory of anthropogenic Climate Change as had been championed at NASA by James Hansen.
Gunter Ederer, a German journalist researched Professor Friedrich Karl Ewert's research about NASA-GISS data over climate change. Ewert indicates that NASA altered its own databases to show a clear global warming trend, even though it never existed.
Ewert goes further and claims that there is an anthropogenic climate change swindle.
But the religion of Climate Change demands adherence to orthodoxy established by consensus.
As the world prepares to meet in Paris for a Climate Change Summit in which western world leaders may commit its citizens to draconian measures (which coincidentally impose greater centralized power on individuals) for something which is a chimera.
Monday, November 23, 2015
Saturday, November 21, 2015
Friday, November 20, 2015
Trey Gowdy on Women and Children Refugees
Representative Trey Gowdy (R-SC 4th), the Chairman of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration and Refugees, offered a strong rebuke to President Barack Obama's mockery of Republicans who are chary about large scale unvetted Syrian refugee resettlement as people who are afraid of women and children.
It should be noted that 47 House Democrats voted in favor of putting a hold on Syrian Refugee resettlement in the U.S..
Thursday, November 19, 2015
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
On Overseas Attacks and Exigent Immigration
Reacting to the coordinated November 13th ISIS attacks in Paris, Republicans have expressed a recalcitrance to take Syrian refugees without vigorous vetting. Even after an hour and a half conference call with the White House 27 Republican governors and one Democrat Governor still oppose Syrian Refugee resettlement in their states.
During an interview with Salem Radio's Hugh Hewitt, 2016 Republican Presidential hopeful Governor Chris Christie (R-NJ) rejected a hypothetical of allowing for immigration of orphan children Syrian refugees into America.
While President Obama was overseas to attend the G20 Summit in Turkey, President Barack Obama mocked Republicans for not being open to the Syrian Refugee immigration.
It is curious how Republicans have been criticized for offering even the most benign criticism against the President while he is on foreign soil, but Mr. Obama exhibits no compunctions against insulting his enemy-- Republicans.
To this end, Senator Ted Cruz issued a throw down to the lame duck Chief Executive.
It would be fascinating to see a debate between a politician who was acclaimed as being an incredible orator (especially when reading from the TOTUS- Telepromper of the United States) against a master debater at Harvard.
During an interview with Salem Radio's Hugh Hewitt, 2016 Republican Presidential hopeful Governor Chris Christie (R-NJ) rejected a hypothetical of allowing for immigration of orphan children Syrian refugees into America.
While President Obama was overseas to attend the G20 Summit in Turkey, President Barack Obama mocked Republicans for not being open to the Syrian Refugee immigration.
It is curious how Republicans have been criticized for offering even the most benign criticism against the President while he is on foreign soil, but Mr. Obama exhibits no compunctions against insulting his enemy-- Republicans.
To this end, Senator Ted Cruz issued a throw down to the lame duck Chief Executive.
It would be fascinating to see a debate between a politician who was acclaimed as being an incredible orator (especially when reading from the TOTUS- Telepromper of the United States) against a master debater at Harvard.
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Barack Obama on the Paris Attacks
President Barack Obama's initial statement regarding the coordinated attacks in Paris on November 13th reveals some interesting conceits which govern his behavior.
Firstly, Mr. Obama references universal values being under attack. Radical Islamists on jihad certainly do not share liberal western values of humanity, freedom, pluralism and moral tolerance. So while it sounds noble to talk about universal values, it ain't necessarily so. Of course, like most other liberal Democrats, Mr. Obama seem incapable of uttering the phrase Radical Islam, especially since his 2012 U.N. Declaration that: "The future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet Muhammad".
Secondly, the current Commander-in-Chief's action statement is to work with other nations around the world to bring terrorists to justice. Of course, rule by committee works so well in the United Nations General Assembly, doesn't it? But more to the point, Mr. Obama pursues terrorist in a pre-911 manner that it is a law enforcement issue rather than as a national security/military matter.
To underscore what a lack of priority the Paris Attacks are to the occupier of the Oval Office, Mr. Obama showed up late for a moment of silence for the victims of the Paris Attacks during the G20 Summit.
Reacting to the irony that the Paris Attacks claimed by ISIS occurred on the same day that Mr. Obama appeared on television to claim that ISIS was under control, Dinesh D'Souza publicized a devastating accountability video.
At a time in which the world needs to show solidarity and resolve against the barbaric jihadist terrorism, Mr. Obama displays a lackluster, process driven, internationalist agenda which is premised on naive and narcissistic analyses.
There are only 14 more months until a new President assumes office. Perhaps there will be a real leader then instead of someone who revels in the oxymoronic "leading from behind".
Monday, November 16, 2015
Paris Attacks: Solidarity Against Barbarism
But Paris was rocked with a half dozen coordinated bombings and shootings. A terrorist tried to come late to the soccer match in Saint Denny but was turned away by security, hence he blew himself up outside of the Stade de France. Several minutes later, his comrades in arms exploded their suicide vests nearby. This was a probable assassination attempt against President Hollande with the intent to kill more from the potential of 80,000 spectators.
Five minutes after the bombings at the soccer match, gunmen with submachine guns began shooting people in the sidewalk cafes and bars in the 10th and 11th arrondissements.
But where the most carnage occurred was at the Bataclan Music Hall in which several terrorists took hundreds hostage, killing at least 80 with many more critically injured. These barbarians deliberately shot spectators in wheel chairs one by one. If there was any doubt as to the motivation of these savages, they shouted Allahu Akbar( ("God is Great" the war chant of jihadists) and "Free Syria" as they reloaded and continued their atrocities.
The world sought to show solidarity through gatherings of remembrance and sympathetic light displays. Yet some protested these humanistic expressions as the same consciousness does not occur when lives are lost by Palestinians or in Africa. Black Lives Matter activists reached out to social media to proclaim "F#ck Pray for Paris". And after some progressive politicians like socialist Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) made pro forma expressions of sympathy, they still maintain that Climate Change is more of a threat to the world today than radical Islamist terrorism.
Hence it is ironic to consider the irony that Duran Duran kicked off the "24 Hours of Reality" with "What Are the Chances?" to pressure the Climate Change Summit which is scheduled to be held in Paris at the beginning of December. The ponderous lyrics muse about our place in the world. Yet idealists perseverate on the theory of anthropogenic global warming over a 100 years yet ignore the danger which is right down the boulevard.
So, what are the chances Of seeing an uptick of violence from forces creating chaos and tyranny? ~Quite likely. But what of solidarity against barbarism? The foundation exists amongst those who love liberty and the value of individuals. Alas, it is unknown how those noble sentiments will hold up during the Storm.
Al Gore,
Black Lives Matter,
Concept Video,
Duran Duran,
Eagles of Death Metal,
Francois Hollande,
Live Earth,
Paris Attacks,
Stade de France,
Saturday, November 14, 2015
Friday, November 13, 2015
To Blathe in the Granite State? Inconceivable!
Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) visited New Hampshire to register for the February 2016 New Hampshire primary. While he was in the Granite State, Cruz had a sit down with some Granite State residents where he showed some personality (as well as his renowned audiographic memory) by reminiscing about a favorite film.
While taping a segment for WMUR-TV's Candidate Cafe, Cruz riffed on the Miracle Max scene from the Princess Bride (1987).
If only Cruz would have reprised Wally Shawn's infamous expression "Inconceivable!"
After the February 9th New Hampshire primary, we will see if the New England forays were blathing, if his campaign is just "mostly dead" or the "inconceivable!" possibility of winning in the first Republican primary of 2016.
Miracle Max scene in "The Princess Bride" film (1987) with Billy Crystal holding the bellows |
While taping a segment for WMUR-TV's Candidate Cafe, Cruz riffed on the Miracle Max scene from the Princess Bride (1987).
If only Cruz would have reprised Wally Shawn's infamous expression "Inconceivable!"
After the February 9th New Hampshire primary, we will see if the New England forays were blathing, if his campaign is just "mostly dead" or the "inconceivable!" possibility of winning in the first Republican primary of 2016.
Thursday, November 12, 2015
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
Alan Grayson on Ted Cruz
Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL 9th) has a history of offering inflammatory opinions in order to pejoratively paint his political opposition.
As he ramps up his campaign for the Florida Senate seat being vacated by first term Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL), it is natural that Grayson relies on his outrageous ability to tweak an ascending Republican Presidential candidate like Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) and stand out from his primary opponent Rep. Patrick Murphy (D-FL 18th).
One wonders whether Cruz's propensity for principled fights is more like Miley Cyrus or Grayson's absurd analogies are more like the twerk jerk.
One wonders whether Cruz's propensity for principled fights is more like Miley Cyrus or Grayson's absurd analogies are more like the twerk jerk.
The horror. It makes one want to scream (sic).
Alan Grayson,
Miley Cyrus,
Ted Cruz,
The Scream,
John Boehner on Catholic Guilt

It is dubious whether Boehner's pile of Catholic guilt was the deciding factor in new House Speaker Paul D. Ryan's decision making but the State of the Union episode illustrates the Ignatian admonition about discernment. Manipulating someone in order to escape a hard fate certainly seems like some bad spirits.
Monday, November 9, 2015
Saturday, November 7, 2015
Friday, November 6, 2015
Thursday, November 5, 2015
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
Contrasting Visions of Slavery and Hard Work
When analyzing the ascendancy of Rep. Paul D. Ryan to become Speaker of the House, MSNBC hostess Melissa Harris Perry interrupted her guest for characterizing Ryan's reputation of being a hard worker on account of political correctness.
Harris Perry, who is also the Presidential Chair Professor of Politics and International Affairs at Wake Forest University, can only seem to think of hard workers as being people forced to pick cotton in the fields in the antebellum South.
This tact was greeted with much derision in conservative public affairs circles where "our betters" (meaning self-satisfied, intellectually entitled liberal Democrats) would never deign to venture.
One wonders if Ms. Harris Perry is just obsessed with race, if she panders so pliantly to political correctness to please management and viewer(s) at MSNBC or if just she is just seeking publicity (like when she wore tampons earrings supposedly to support abortion "rights").
Mike Rowe, the host of Discovery Network Dirty Jobs and CNN's "Somebody's Got to Do It" took on the dirty job via Facebook to intellectually challenge Harris Perry's reservation of the term "Hard Worker".
It should be noted that Mike Rowe has been committed to stop the decline of the American infrastructure and assist Blue Collar workers since 2008. Wonder who is doing a better job in helping people, by paying lip service to political correctness and injected racial analogies into everything or someone celebrating hard work and helping others find lucrative "dirty jobs".
Monday, November 2, 2015
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