Monday, September 30, 2013
Bob Woodward's Muckraking on Obama's Lack of Leadership
Bob Woodward, one of the reporters who broke the Watergate crisis which brought down the presidency of Richard Nixon, has not been bashful in offering unflattering analyses of Presidents. Woodward's latest opinions critique the lack of leadership that President Barack Obama is exhibiting regarding raising the national debt limit.
But the Obama Administration's intransigence on Obamacare seems equally applicable.
At the District of Calamity (sic), there is no illusion that Woodward favors liberal politics. In fact, Woodward's comments endorsed President Obama standing firm on raising the debt ceiling. However, Woodward's comments on MSNBC notes the lack of leadership coming from the White House and facilitating talks with Congress to get the process moving along.
It is refreshing is that Woodward has not succumb to just acting like one of All the President's Men (sic) in the lapdog Lamestream Media and advocates for honesty in governing, not hypocrisy.
In June, Woodward urged Mr. Obama to admit to "screw ups" regarding Benghazi, spying on journalists and the IRS playing politics. Woodward observed that such a honest approach would mirror his transparency in admitting to the Daschle "screw up" in 2009.
But instead, most of the the elite liberal media will continue to act as stenographers for a liberal White House with whom they generally agree.

Bob Woodward,
Media Watch,
Tom Daschle,
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Friday, September 27, 2013
McCain Spares the Rod and Spoils the Staff With O’Bagy Hire
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[L] Elizabeth O'Bagy [R] Senator John McCain (R-AZ) |
Ordinarily in
political circles the hiring a
Legislative Assistant in the Senate does not make headlines. But Senator McCain’s (R-AZ) retention of
Elizabeth O’Bagy’s services as a L.A. in his Washington office manages to
achieve that dubious distinction. Foreign
Policy "The Cable" website reports through its website that the
Senior Senator has hired the 26 year old foreign policy researcher three weeks
after she was released from the Institute
for the Study of War, a neoconservative think tank.
O’Bagy wrote
an op/ed titled “On
the Front Lines of Syria’s Civil War” for the
Wall Street Journal, which downplayed the reach of Jabhut al Nursa (an Al
Qaeda affiliate) fighters in the Syrian
Free Army, and suggested that such
jihadists were concentrating in a couple of northern, rebel held areas
of Syria. Esssentially, O'Bagy was
allaying fears that U.S. involvement in the
Syrian conflict would, in the words of former
Representative Dennis Kucinich (D-OH 10th), be acting as Al Qaeda's air force.
In the rush
to get Congressional blessing for President Obama’s aborted red line attack
threat against Bashar Assad’s government
forces in Syria for chemical weapons use, O’Bagy’s analysis was spotlighted. Both Secretary of State John F. Kerry and
Senator John McCain referenced and relied upon O’Bagy’s opinion.
Yet within a week of having her research promoted by Obama’s Secretary of State and the Ranking Member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, O’Bagy was unceremoniously severed from her stint as the ‘Syria Analyst” at the Institute for the Study of War. Officially, O’Bagy was fired because she falsely had purported to have a combined masters/Ph.D. from Georgetown University, when she had not even defended her thesis. But O’Bagy’s prominence on the political stage also revealed that O’Bagy served as the political director for the Syrian Emergency Task Force, which was neither disclosed in the WSJ op/ed nor mentioned by Kerry or McCain when confirming their bent for war in the Levant.
The mission
of the Syrian Emergency
Task Force has been characterized by critics as
pushing weapons and other military support to the Muslim Brotherhood's Islamist
brigades in Syria. The Syria
Emergency task force derives its funding from a State Deparment funded Bureau
of Conflict and Stabilization Operations.
O’Bagy for
her part claims that she was a contractor for the Syrian Emergency Task Force
and not an employee. Of course, that is
a distinction without a difference when it comes to conflicts of interest in
setting American foreign policy. When
asked about a conflict of interest, O’Bagy
told the Daily Caller “I work for the Syrian people.”
O’Bagy claims that she did not help the Syrian
Emergency Task Force lobby. Yet O’Bagy admits to facilitating a meeting between
Syrian rebel commanders and Senator
McCain in May. McCain maintains that he met with patriotic rebels and no terrorists.
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Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) meeting with Syrian rebel commanders, May 2013 |
questioned about hiring O'Bagy, Senator McCain endorsed the new L.A. by saying: "Elizabeth
is a talented researcher, and I have been very impressed by her knowledge and
analysis in multiple briefings over the last year. "I look forward to her
joining my office." So the conflict of interest by O'Bagy working
for the Syrian people was no problem for the maverick Senator.
This is a
serious lapse of judgment by Senator McCain.
As the Ranking Member of the Senate Armed Forces Committee, McCain's
viewpoints are influential in facilitating American Foreign Policy. The senior Senator from Arizona should be
receiving clear guidance, not having his opinions skewed by an aide who has
declared herself allied with Syria, and has ties to groups that are aligned
against broader United States interests.
By sparing the rod, McCain has spoiled his staff.
h/t: The
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Outrageous Obama Incivility
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President Obama with Senior Advisor Dan Pfeiffer |
Having an
Obama senior spokesman call Republican
opponents "suicide bombers" is beyond the pale of civil political
discourse coming from the White House. These verbal bomb throwing through the auspices of the Oval Office
neither builds Congressional coalitions vital for governing (as opposed to
campaigning) and this infelicitous and
incindiary analogy shows a shocking lack of civility. In the same day,
Obama White House Press Secretary Jay Carney dredged up birther barbs to mock
Republicans for wanting to defund Obamacare.
After the
near assassination of former Representative Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ 8th) in
January, 2011, President Obama made a grandiose speech at the Together We
Thrive rally in Tucson which
memorialized the fallen in the atrocity
President Obama proclaimed:
But at a time when our discourse has become so sharply polarized -– at a time when we are far too eager to lay the blame for all that ails the world at the feet of those who happen to think differently than we do -– it’s important for us to pause for a moment and make sure that we’re talking with each other in a way that heals, not in a way that wounds.
Obama then rightfully noted that a "more civil
and honest public discourse can help us face up to our challenges as a
nation." So how do Dan Pfeiffer's
inflamatory remarks against ideological opponents fit into this call for
President Obama gave himself a waiver on civility. After all, President Obama's 2012 re-election
campaign persisted on an unsubstantiated
insuniation that Republican Presidential Nominee Governor Mitt Romney (R-MA)
was a felon for alleged misrepresentations when he was at Bain
Capital. Political campaigns ain't
beanbag, so rough and tumble rhetoric is not out of the ordinary, particularly
for a politician who can not win without smearing his opponent. But governing is different than campaigning.
Pfeiffer's smear of his opponents as suicide bombers is outrageous and unwise,
it is not the only example of inflamatory accusations that have the imprimatur
of Obama's Oval Office. Democrat Congressional leaders such as House Minority
Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA 8th) and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV)
have been wont to refer to uncooperative Conservative Republican legislators as
"Arsonists". Senior Obama
White House Advisor
Dan Pfeiffer echoed this arsonist accusation and kidnappers comparison
against Republicans. Or progressive
radio host Thom
Hartman who compared Senator Ted Cruz's
(R-TX) filibuster to "Taliban-styled suicide
bombings". Kind of sounds like the
Obama White House talking points were passed out.
slanderous characterizations from the Obama White House give Democrats
surrogates in the Lamestream Media license to copy scurrilous phrases. This was quickly spread by MSNBC's Chris Matthews did when the
former Democrat staffer turned broadcaster asked Representative Scott Perry (R-PA 4th) why
the Republicans want to hold the country "hostage".
The Obama
Administration seems intent to demonize and try to delegitimize their
opponents, ala Saul
Alinsky's Rules for Radicals. But Pfeiffer, Pelosi and Reid are not alone
in voicing vitrolic language against idelogical opponents. Senator John McCain referred to Senator Cruz
and Senator Rand Paul as "wacko birds", while Congressman Peter
King critiqued Senator Cruze as a crazy,
fraudster and suicidal. While these
invectives abrogate Reagan's Eleventh Amendment, they are not as vial as a
voice of the President of the United States in a time of real Islamist jihadi
terrorism comparing Republicans to suicide bombers.
It sounds like the White House communication staff need to take a crash course at the National Institute for Civil Discourse. After all, the NICD launched a website "" which reminds readers of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu's word of wisdom: "Civility costs nothing and buys everything." But that would also mean that they would be reminded of dear leader Obama's quote:
It sounds like the White House communication staff need to take a crash course at the National Institute for Civil Discourse. After all, the NICD launched a website "" which reminds readers of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu's word of wisdom: "Civility costs nothing and buys everything." But that would also mean that they would be reminded of dear leader Obama's quote:
You and I, as citizens, have the obligation to shape the debates of our time – not only with the votes we cast, but with the voices we lift in defense of our most ancient values and enduring ideals. Let each of us now embrace, with solemn duty and awesome joy, what is our lasting birthright. With common effort and common purpose, with passion and dedication, let us answer the call of history, and carry into an uncertain future that precious light of freedom.
So much for
shaping the future in an uplifting way.
In the
aftermath of the Tucson shooting, the elite Liberal media were quick to lambast
Tea Party Conservatives, particularly former
Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, for
dangerous symbolism on pamplets
which "targeted" politcally vulnerable Democrat districts like Giffords' with
crosshairs. Ironically, the Democrat
Congressional Camapign Committee used
bullseyes for their targeted districts. But as Chris Plante would put it: "If it
wasn't for double standards, liberals would have no standards at all."
From a
partisan political perspective, the Obama Administration's beyond the pale
references to Republicans clearly demonstrates that the Obama White House does
not want to deal and is pushing to peg Republicans with any blame for a
government shutdown. They may be
calculating their strategy premised on the 1995-1996 government
shutdowns which allegedly hurt Republicans (even though that was not
demonstrated at the ballot box). But
according to the latest
Pew Poll, both Democrats and Republicans would be blamed for a government
Barack Obama,
Chris Matthews,
Dan Pfeiffer,
Gabrielle Giffords,
Harry Reid,
Jake Tapper,
Jay Carney,
Mitt Romney,
Nancy Pelosi,
Sarah Palin,
Scott Perry,
Suicide Bombers,
Ted Cruz,
Republicans Behaving Badly-- Ignoring Reagan's 11th Commandment

It is
interesting to see how this political precept is held by present day
politicians, particularly Congress critters
afflicted with Potomac Fever.
To win the
Republican nomination for President in 2008, Senator John McCain (R-AZ), the
senior Senator from Arizona, ran proclaiming that he was a "foot soldier
in the Reagan Revolution." Yet
consider how "the Maverick" Senator treats his "friends" in
this session of Congress. When Senator
Rand Paul (R-KY) held a 13 hour filibuster of CIA
John Brennen's nomination, Senator McCain chose to call several of his
caucus confreres as "wacko birds."
To his
credit, Senator McCain uttered televised regrets shortly afterwards for this
infelicitous invective. But McCain did
not seem to mean it as aides indicate
McCain's disdain for Senator Ted Cruz
(R-TX) in what can only be described in raw terms. Yet Senator McCain had the temerity to task Democrat Majority Leader Senator Harry Reid (D-NV) to
ask for 15 minutes at the end of Cruz's
filibuster. It is a good thing that
Cruz had the good sense to ignore this entreaty, as McCain used his time to
denounce Cruz's efforts.
This is not
an isolated example of Senator McCain bad mouthing other members of his caucus
with whom he disagrees. As Republicans
were positioned to score major victories in the 2010 Congressional elections,
Senator McCain denounced the enthusiasm of Tea Party types as being hobbits.
scorn for the Tea Party makes sense, as he governs as a progressive member of
the Cocktail Party, even though he runs
as one conservative hombre. Moreover,
McCain used his floor time after Cruz's filibuster to waive the whiteflag to Democrats and declare the elections matter and the Republicans lost the Obamacare
fight. While President Obama did win
re-election in 2012, he did not premise his campaign on Obamacare. In addition, federal elections do not have
the ability to do referenda on legislation.
Furthermore, legislators are not bound to decisions made by their
"independent" Republican voice who unabashedly ignores the Eleventh
Commandment is Congressman Peter King (R-NY 02). As a northeastern Republican Representative,
King's weltanschauung will be considerably more "squishy" than
conservative colleagues to the south.
But this should not give him license to bash his GOP brethren, in most
uncharitable and insulting ways.
King denounced Senator Cruz as a “kamikaze pilot" and “medicine man
selling goods he knows are phony goods.”
If that wasn't enough, King proclaimed “those I’ve spoken to think he’s
[Cruz] crazy.” OK, you've denounced your
colleague as a fraud, crazy and suicidal--one wonders why.
Maybe it has
something to do with Peter King's crazy idea that he should run forPresident. Bad mouthing fellow
Republicans works well to get John McCain more TV time on talking heads shows
(and has also helped Senator McCain's scion Meghan McCain plenty of exposure in the media too). One can not forget that
Rep. King's district is in the New York City, which appealing to moneyed
"independents" or those who wish to stifle conservatives can channel
funds. This seems akin to former Utah Governor and Obama's
Ambassador to China
John Huntsman's (R-UT) quixotic strategy in running for the GOP nomination
in 2012.
King ought to remember the fate of the last couple Members of the House who ran for
President. In the 2012 cycle, former Representative Thaddeus McCotter (R-MI 11th) launched an ill planned Presidential campaign for a couple of months in 2011, presumably to improve
name recognition for later political contests. McCotter was so taken with Potomac Fever that he failed to get enoughvalid signatures to run for the primary for his Congressional seat in 2012, so
he resigned. Representative Michele
Bachmann (R-MN 6th) ran a more credible race for the Republican nomination. But she barely won re-election in the 113th
Congress in a tough district. Bachmann has announced that she will not seek re-election in 2014.
But of
course, McCotter and Bachmann are different cases because they do not make it a
habit to bad mouth their fellow Republicans.
Surely, Representative Peter King's telegenic looks, his pleasant
demeanor as well as his principled reputation will put him in good stead once
he loses his position of power as House Homeland Security Chair and is no
longer useful to the Lamestream Media.
John Huntsman,
John McCain,
Michele Bachmann,
Peter King,
Rand Paul,
Ronald Reagan,
Ted Cruz,
Thaddeus McCotter,
Wacko Birds
Reporting on Limitations on the Freedom of Speech
Last spring, eporters in
Chicagoland have been informed by police that “You (sic) first amendment rights
can be terminated if you create a scene…Your first amendment rights have
Media covering the fatal shooting of a
six year old at Mount Sinai Hospital on the west side of Chicago. WGN-TV reporter Dan Ponce and photographer
Donte Williams were taken in handcuffs when they refused to move further away
from the hospital for their coverage.
The reporters
were standing on the median sidewalk
halfway across the street from
Mount Sinai Hospital as they were doing their reporting. The officer yelled at them to move further
away and the journalistics refused to comply as they did their jobs. It should be noted that the area was not a
crime scene. The officer exclaimed: “F*** news affairs, I don’t care about news
affairs. Forget news affairs.”.
According to
the police, the reporters tried to enter the hospital and were removed at the
request of hospital security, but their guards declined to press charges and
the individuals were released. However,
the police maintain that the reporters very presence around grieving family
members created a scene. The official
police statement proclaimed: Our members were attempting to protect and respect
both the grieving family members of the child, and the memory of the child
herself during a very stressful time for all parties involved.
While it might be the case that the aforementioned journalists pressed the edge within the hospital in pursuit of the story (which they deny), the offending officer's ejaculations paired with the official police statement reveal a rationale that the authorities think it is OK to limit the First Amendment when they want.
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Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) |
Curious that
Congress thinks that it can regulate Free Speech, especially considering that
the First Amendment starts with the phrase: "Congress shall make no
law…" But considering the age when
Supreme Court majority opinions on Obamacare contort arguments to make it a tax
to be constitutional, maybe a clarifyng amendment could be added to impose a
tax for "real reporter" licenses presumably passing SCOTUS muster.
The First
Amendment is the fundamental freedom which prohibits the federal governement
from encroaching on natural right to the freedom of speech. The Freedom of Speech clause prohibits thegovernment from banning speech because
it does not agree with its message. In Federalist Paper no. 10, James Madison pointed to the Freedom of Speech as being a vital
element of a healthy Republic.
the sentiment to censor in Chicagoland and the Feinstein's "real
reporter" amendment, one may question if the United States is civically
healthy, much less a Republic.
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Some Reasons to Give Flying Flip About Filibusters
Senator Ted Cruz (R-FL) took to the Senate floor and stood for 21 hours and 19 minutes to speak against voting for the cloture motion on the House Continuing Resolution legislation (House Res. 59) . But detractors like Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) are quick to insist that it was not a filibuster. It is said that the Freshman Senator from Florida could not have a filibuster as his effort was not intended to delay or prevent legislative action.
A broader understanding of filibuster is an effort to prevent action by making a long speech. The 21 hours and 19 minutes of floor time certainly qualifies as a long speech. Consider the aim of Senator Cruz’s effort. He was speaking against a cloture motion. Cloture is the procedure that a 60 vote majority in the Senate cuts off debate.
Those who deny that Senator Cruz’s control of the Senate Floor for nearly a full day was not a filibuster are less interested in abiding by proper political parlance. They know that the public generally considers a filibuster a noble effort of a Senator to abide his conscience and speak what he understands as the truth until he can stand no more. Filibusters evoke memory’s of the Frank Capra film “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington” (1939).
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[L] Frank Capra's Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939) [R] Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) during filibuster |
But if Cruz just was giving a very long speech, then he can be framed as just wasting the Senate’s time, even though Majority Leader Reid was appraised and approved of the talkathon.

But couching the Senate floor action as a non-filibuster against the cloture vote on the Continuing Resolution (House Res. 59) which it’s technically correct, it is smoke and mirrors to confuse the public of the real work.
The Continuing Resolution is a budget matter. The Senate had not passed a budget in four years, and so Continuing Resolutions which used prior spending levels as a metric for stop gap funding have been used. For Fiscal Year 2014, the Senate had not passed any specific appropriation bills and the October 1st fiscal new year loomed.
So the House of Representatives passed a Continuing Resolution for two months of funding of all federal programs, save the yet to be implemented Obamacare. The White House and Senate Democrats under the direction of Senate Majority Leader Reid want to strip the defund Obamacare provision, which many ayes in the House were premised.
The cloture motion was meant to cut off debate. If passed, Senate rules for budget bills then only allow for 30 hours of debate. Senator Cruz and other tea party sympathetic conservatives were concerned that Senator Reid would present a clean bill, which stripped the defund Obamacare provision and not allow for any amendments.
Cruz’s filibuster sought to educate the public of the Senatorial shenanigans. Cruz alleged that some Republicans wanted to vote for cloture and then vote against final passage. This DC two step allows what detractors call RINOs (Republicans In Name Only) to say that they voted against the bill, but their vote was a purely symbolic measure and the Democrat majority gets its way to continue to impose an overarching takeover of the health care system (aside from Congress and Federal workers, who were extra juridically exempted by President Obama over specific legislative provisions).
In between renditions of Dr. Seuss’ Green Eggs and Ham for the Cruz childrens’ storytime, there was probably more substantive debate about Obamacare’s adverse effect on the health care delivery system and retarding economic growth during Cruz’ s filibuster than what occurred when the so called Affordable Care Act was passed by the Senate on Christmas Eve, 2009.
The filibuster drew more ordinary people outside of the District of Calamity (sic) to pay attention to detailed arguments against than the sweet lies put forth by the White House and the lapdog Lamestream Media.
While procedurally Senator Cruz's efforts might not amount to much, this is not the only battle to be found in defunding Obamacare. Even if Senator Reid is successful in passing a Continuing Resolution which strips the defund Obamacare provisions through the Senate, the House must act. Either the Republican majority in House must acquiesce to Senator Reid's jam down with a "clean" C.R., the Chambers must conference or the House can pass another legislative vehicle which the Senate may not approve prior to October 1st. There are suggestions that revised House legislation might include a one year delay in Obamacare, revoking the Congressional Obamacare exemption, or approving XL pipeline, which would be a tough pill for Senate Democrats to swallow.
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington illustrated how people in the heartland became engaged in a filibuster by dumping an alluvia of telegrams on the Senate floor. Senator Cruz is hoping that in the internet age, public opinion can be galvanized by social media. C-SPAN allowed for internet 2.0 peer to peer engagement with Cruz reading Twitter messages on the Senate Floor. Cruz is counting on alternate media and social media to work around the Lamestream Media and produce a groundswell of support which changes the static between the beltway certainty that an unpopular, flawed law like Obamare can be ramrodded into implementation.
Senator Cruz's filibuster drew back the curtain on the complacency of the Cocktail Party in both parties between the beltways. The vitriolic reaction that senior Senator John McCain (R-AZ) unleashed against Cruz after stopped speaking reveals his true self. Freshman Senator John Boozman (R-AR) reportedly dressed Cruz down for all the out of state phone calls about Obamacare. And Senate Minority Leader Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY) refused to support the renegade rhetoric. This internecine sniping prompted former Governor Sarah Palin (R-AK) to note: "We already have three parties: the Liberal Democrats, the RINO Republicans and 'the good guys.' ".
Cruz's marathon speech in the Senate also showed some unity amongst the Young Turks. Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) was instrumental in dissecting the deficiencies and questionable jurisprudential propriety of Obamacare implementation. But what was really impressive was to see how prospective rivals for the 2016 Republican Presidential nomination, namely Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) and Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL), worked together to get the message out about Obamacare and do something, rather than sit back and cast empty symbolic votes.
The nearly day long debate also had a couple of remarkable colloquies with "friends" on the other side of the aisle.
In trying to generate groundswell support in the grassroots, Senator Cruz's filibuster popularized the mantra "Make DC Listen". This slogan may energize the Tea Party Caucus, possibly be the touchstone of a third party or a Presidential campaign. Nevertheless, "Make DC Listen" taps into public discontent and shows social media savvy. [***]
So even though Senator Cruz was not successful in his immediate tactic to prevent cloture on the C.R., we ought to give a flying flip about his filibuster as it may be a harbinger for real change in the District of Calamity (sic).
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Monday, September 23, 2013
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Dodger -ing McCain's Verbal Flak on Pool-gate
In anticipation of the Los Angeles Dodgers clinching the NL West Division title, the Arizona Diamondbacks requested that the division champions not celebrate on Chase Field in downtown Phoenix. The visiting team did technically complied, but they expressed their elation at winning the division title by jumping in the Dodge swimming pool in right field.
This celebration provoked the ire of the senior Senator from Arizona John McCain as was publicized through his Twitter postings.
While McCain may echo other Arizona Diamondback fan sentiments, his social media sharing should be beneath his office. This message was not the cute hometown bets between politicians during the playoffs. Nor was this admiration for a sports team which he has been a long-time fan, like Yankees fans former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani (R-NYC) or former First Lady/Senator/Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY) (sic).
Maybe McCain was just pandering to his constituents (the voters, not the media but with the Maverick Senator that can be confusing). But that's not his job. Maybe for a Phoenix sportscaster, but not for a US Senator, particularly when the world is going to hell in a handbasket (and McCain makes friends with al Qaeda terrorists in the Free Syrian Army).
Then again, McCain has had difficulty doing his job of late. McCain was so bored with a high level public hearing on the Syria Crisis, when President Obama was still threatening to strike the Levant, yet the senior Senator was caught playing video poker on the Senate floor.
If John McCain wants to engross himself in the minutia of baseball, it seems that Arizona is a fine place to RETIRE, and watch Cactus League baseball.
Friday, September 20, 2013
A Bit on Gauzy Gun Grab Gambits
After the Navy Yard shooting , many are troubled at another massacre in America. This has inspired progressive politicos to renew efforts to “do something”.
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[L] Gabrielle Giffords [R] Mark Kelly testifying before Congress Feb. 2013 |
Gabby and Mark’s letter reads in part:
We have disturbing problems - gun crime, mental illness, and the easy access that dangerous people have to guns. But our public officials seem more interested in political theater and special interest threats than in leadership. Congress, you must lead. Come together, take a sober look at the problem, and pass laws that protect our families and communities. Please act.
How could anyone oppose that?
But as Oscar Wilde observed: “It is always with the best of intentions that the worst work is done.” Digging deeper into to discern the policy prescriptions, one discovers that the Americans for Responsible Solutions advocate:
• universal background checks
• limiting the sale on “assault” weapons
• limiting high capacity magazines
• stopping gun trafficking
Thus the bromides from Gabby and Mark’s open letter were translated into policies which are political non-starters that are also gauzy gun grabbing forays.
But in my estimation, clamoring to do just “Do SOMETHING” is imprudent. While dialoguing with an Americans for Responsible Solutions proponent,I noted that Remington 870 pump shotgun which the Navy Yard shooter used was one that was exempted from Senator Feinstein’s "modest proposal" as it is a popular hunting rifle. My interlocutor interjected “That proves my point–we need to do better”. It seems that the Swiftian allusion was not well appreciated. But it seemed like no contrary opinions were acceptable for one so convicted.
If the government wanted to do something, then for starters this Administration (and future ones) could enforce the gun laws already on the books with due process not by showy tactical teams in low risk situations. Alas, after that, there are not easy answers. So it is worth having real debate on causes and solutions. However, Representative Steve Cohen (D-TN 9th) goes on MSNBC and slandered Second Amendment supporters as being "Murderers Row", this does not seem like respectful or introspective civic discourse. And refusing to respond to point by point challenges on the root causes of mass shootings or the consequences of the “Do SOMETHING” impulse makes it seem like the issue is being cynically stoked to fire up bases for partisan wedge issue politics at the expense of innocents.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Celebrating International Talk Like a Pirates Day
Today is International Talk Like a Pirate Day. This parodic holiday was dreamt up in 1995 during a racquetball game between John Baur (a.k.a. Ol Chumbucket) and Mark Summers (a.k.a. Cap'n Slappy)
One of us might have been reaching for a low shot that, by pure chance, might have come off the wall at an unusually high rate of speed, and strained something best left unstrained. 'Aaarrr'
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[L] Cap'n Slappy (a.k.a. Mark Summers) and [R] Ol' Chumbucket (John Baur) |
In 2002, the pair sent a "message in a bottle" letter to syndicated columnist Dave Barry who championed and promoted the idea. Part of the reason that Talk Like a Pirate Day has grown virally is because the faux holiday has not been trademarked, even though Baur and Summers have a website to garner some booty. John Baur's "pirate" family also participated in an episode of "Wife Swap" in 2006.
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Michigan State Sen. Roger Kahn (R-32 Saginaw Twshp.) |
If you want to petition other legislators to make Talk Like a Pirate Day into a holiday, you ought to send your electronic missive in Pirate argot. To quickly translate, try using Post Like a Pirate.
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