Wednesday, February 27, 2019
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
How Hannity Was Hanoi-ed (sic) at VietNam Summit
Fox News political commentator Sean Hannity traveled halfway around the globe to cover President Trump's second meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un for the VietNam Summit. But had Hannity not improvised, he would not have made it to his live spot on time.
Hannity found himself stuck in Hanoi traffic on the way to the studio for his US prime time show. To avoid being an on camera no show, Hannity hopped aboard a scooter to make it to the set on time.
Monday, February 25, 2019
Saturday, February 23, 2019
Friday, February 22, 2019
Thanks for Nothing AOC!
The Job Creators Network reacted to community activist turned freshman Representative Alexandria Ocasio Cortez's (D-NY 14th) celebration of chasing away Amazon from expanding its HQ2 to Long Island City (Queens), New York by erecting a pointed message at Times Square. The message offers some economic analysis for the loss of the business opportunity and sarcastically suggests: "Thanks for Nothing" AOC.

Donald Trump on the Boy Who Cried MAGA
The Chicago Police Department attributed actor Jussie Smollett's motive for staging a hoax hate crime in Streeterville, Chicago during on polar blast on January 29th as an attempt to garner a higher salary on the Fox TV series "Empire".
Perhaps, but how does that square with Jussie Smollett's emotional softball interview with Robin Roberts on Good Morning America.
To that end, Smollett opined that the reason why he was attacked was because he comes at the Trump Administration "really, really hard". Smollett has been quite visible in his political activism. And enquiring minds want to know if there were connections (or just political opportunism) between the Smollett drama and Democrat Presidential hopeful Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) offering anti-lynching legislation.
Donald Trump,
Hate Crime,
Jussie Smollett,
Friday, January 4, 2019
Nancy Pelosi on Vulgar Calls for Impeaching President Trump
Newly elected House Speaker Nancy Pelosi tried to tamp down the controversy created by freshman Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib's vulgar call to impeach President Trump.
Pelosi dismissed criticism of Tlaib's vow to impeach the "motherf*cker as being "No big deal" as it was free speech from an individual and is just the way people talk
However, Pelosi proclaimed that President Trump's rhetoric mattered as his words have a direct impact on people. Huh? Hypocrisy much?
Perhaps Pelosi ought to consider the context of Rashida Tlaib's crude call for impeachment. Even though Tlaib doubled down on her remarks as speaking truth to power, the reality was that her crude comment was directed to her young son. So such free speech has no impact "on the children"? Sure.
h/t: MRC
Pelosi dismissed criticism of Tlaib's vow to impeach the "motherf*cker as being "No big deal" as it was free speech from an individual and is just the way people talk
However, Pelosi proclaimed that President Trump's rhetoric mattered as his words have a direct impact on people. Huh? Hypocrisy much?
Perhaps Pelosi ought to consider the context of Rashida Tlaib's crude call for impeachment. Even though Tlaib doubled down on her remarks as speaking truth to power, the reality was that her crude comment was directed to her young son. So such free speech has no impact "on the children"? Sure.
h/t: MRC
"Young Turk" Rep. Rashida Tlaib Ready to Rumble in the House
Rashida Tlaib heckling Trump in 2016 |
Tlaib ran unopposed in the 2018 general election and was one of two Muslim women elected to the House. Tlaib was sworn in on President Thomas Jefferson's Quran. As Rep. Tlaib was sworn in, her brother spoke to CSPAN to say that he was proud of her being a fighter despite the fact the he was a Trump conservative.
Tlaib certainly lived up to that young turk reputation on her first day in office. While Tlaib did vote for Speaker Pelosi (despite what she said on the stump), Tlaib did make waves by modifying her House provided world map by inserting Palestine, backing her position for a one state solution.
Later that day, Tlaib made headlines at a Move reception when she called for President Trump's impeachment by a profanity laced ejaculation. Tlaib lived up to her reputation for cursing like a trucker. But Tlaib should only metaphorically be labeled a young Turk as she proudly professes her Palestinian identity.
Most politicos expected the 116th Congress to be totally focused on the upcoming 2020 Presidential election, full of investigations and efforts to oust President Trump. Democrats seem to be obsessed by Trump Derangement Syndrome. The hope is to persuade enough establishment Republicans who are offended by Trump's abrasive style and perceived lack of comity to limit Trump's term as chief executive.
Establishment Democrats may try to tamp down impeachment efforts, as the chances to force Mr. Trump from the Oval Office with a 2/3rds Senate majority seem slim. It is reasonable to presume that their game will be to continue to drive down President Trump's favorability numbers and to pressure those close to him that he will throw in the towel. Alas that strategy will not satisfy radicals like Rashida Tlaib.
The problem that young turks like Tlaib pose is their persistent in your face vulgar approach is great for generating headlines (much the same for their nemesis Donald Trump). But that turns off independents and establishment Republicans who embrace civility. Ironically, Democrats condemned Republicans about their supposed lack of civility in the wake of the shooting of former Rep. Gabby Giffords (D-AZ 8th).
Moreover, the more prominence that Democrat Socialist radicals like Tlaib and Rep. Ocasio Cortez (D-NY 14th) are given, it is likely that the Democrats will be driven to the left, which will produce a presidential nominee who who the base loves but alienates any remaining Blue Dog Democrats and fails to win back "The Great Revolt" Trump voters and loses in a landslide, much like McGovern lost to the great silent majority in 1972.
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