
Thursday, May 17, 2018

Debbie Wasserman Schultz: "The NRA is just shy of a terrorist organization"

Debbie Wasserman Schultz labels the NRA of being just shy of a terrorist organization

Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL 23rd) condemned the National Rifle Association as being just shy of a terrorist organization.  DWS said this in response to comments from the newly elected NRA President Oliver North, who attacked students of the Parkland Florida High School shooting of engaging in civil terrorism by using lawbreaking and intimidation to push for gun control.

The disgraced former head the of Democratic National Committee echoed the lead of Parkland Florida High School student activist David Hogg in gorgonizing the NRA to promote a gun grabbing policy, presumably under the guise of "common sense gun control" aimed at so called assault weapons.

Wasserman Schultz illustrates the tension in the Democrat Caucus towards Election 2018.  On the one hand, Democrats have strived to take advantage of reshaped Congressional districts (particularly in Pennsylvania and Florida) to put forth candidates and campaigns which would attract independent voters to regain control of the House of Representatives.  On the other hand, the swell of confidence over a presumed "Red Wave" compels some progressives to publicly embrace a radical wish list of impeachment and gun grabbing.

In the Salena Zito and Brad Todd best seller "The Great Revolt" (2018), one of the the significant segments of supporters of Donald Trump was "Girl Gun Power".  Second Amendment advocates will be energized to go to the polls in November for the mid terms if they fear that their constitutional rights are in danger. 

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