
Friday, October 20, 2017

On a Rock Star #ParasiteRodeoClown

James Woods on Rep. Frederica Wilson

The anti-Trump controversy of the week seems to be alleged insensitivity of President Trump when he called a Gold Star spouse of a Special Force soldier killed in Niger.  

Congresswoman Frederica Wilson (D-FL 24th) claims to have listened to the call and insists that Mr. Trump was cruel when he told the widow of Sgt. Johnson that "he knew what he was volunteering for". 

Trump Administration Chief of Staff Gen. John Kelly (USMC, ret.) spoke with authority before the White House Press Corps to share how Mr. Trump echoed his words about expressing the bravery of the fallen soldier, and that it was extraordinary for the Commander-in-Chief to make such a phone call.  When Rep. Wilson learned that the White House had focused its attention on her allegations, Wilson laughed and claimed that she was a Rock Star.  When later questioned about Gen. Kelly's characterization of her being an "empty barrel that makes the most noise",  the flamboyant Florida Congresswoman claimed that he used a racist term.

It is not surprising that Frederica Wilson is all in on Trump hatred.  She reflects the Congressional Black Caucus' predisposition to call everything they oppose racist and actively invoke Impeachment of the 45th President.  Since Rep. Wilson was on the air within ten minutes of this phone call, Bill O'Reilly opined that the alleged indignation was a set up. 

What is notable is how former 2016 Hillary Clinton campaign spokesman came out with such sharp elbows towards Gen. Kelly in defense of Frederica Wilson.  

Cynics might wonder if some of "The Resistance" is shifting away from the Russian narrative because of the Clinton connections to the Uranium One scandal.  If so, it is an odd choice to champion a Rock Star Parasite Rodeo Clown.  No wonder why politically active conservative entertainer James Woods calls Frederica Wilson God's gift to Republicans.

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