
Friday, October 27, 2017

Hillary Clinton as the real Wonder Woman?

Gloria Steinem on Hillary Clinton as Wonder Woman

Unsuccessful 2016 Presidential nominee First Lady/Senator/Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was feted on her 70th birthday by the Women's Media Center.  Mrs. Clinton received the first ever Wonder Woman award because: "[S]he seems to have superhuman strength, resilience and courage". Mrs. Clinton was also toasted by the likes of feminist icons Jane Fonda and Gloria Steinem on her natal anniversary.

[L] Jane Fonda [C] Gloria Steinem toasting [R] Hillary Clinton, October 26, 2017

As her campaigned waned and in the unhappy aftermath of the 2016 election, Hillary Clinton has more overtly embraced feminist hermanenutics to understand her defeat.  Mrs. Clinton has not shied away from associating herself with Wonder Woman, despite not seeing the recently released DC Comics film (2017).

While many may see it a stretch to liken Hillary Clinton to a superhero, it might still be apt to refer to her as Wonder Woman.  After all, consider her answers about Cattle Futures, evasions and lies about bungling Benghazi, Mrs. Clinton's e-mail anomalies, her confusion that 'c' is for classified not cookie, and Hillary dismissing Uranium One connections as "baloney" as well as the excuse making for What Happened (2017) after she lost a sure thing election, Mrs. Clinton well be the true Wonder Women.  Considering the source, true is an inadvised phrase-- OK, the REAL Wonder(ing) Woman.

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