
Sunday, November 6, 2016

Obama's 11th Hour Uninspired Endorsement of Voting for Hillary

President Barack Obama's uninspiring endorsement of voting for Hillary Clinton

Two days before Election Day, President Barack Obama went on television to support former First Lady/Senator/Secretary of State  Hillary Clinton (D-NY). The President has been on the hustings during the latter stage of Election 2016 to support the Democrat Presidential nominee as a means of preserving his legacy.

Mr. Obama chose to appear on MSNBC's PoliticalNation with Al Sharpton. Comcast downgraded Sharpton's appearance on MSNBC from a weekday early evening anchor program  to a Sunday at 8 am show.  While PolticalNation gets little to no discernible ratings in the news world, it is a good bet that "urban oriented media" will share snippets on the eve of Election Day.

  One of the challenges that Hillary World has is that it can not depend upon the historically high levels of voter participation from African-Americans that Mr. Obama received in 2008 and 2012. Obama's high profile on the campaign is targeted at Black audiences to convince them to vote for Hillary and preserve his legacy.

But Mr. Obama's 11th hour appeal sounds slightly less uninspiring that President Dwight Eisenhower's quip about what ideas his former running mate Vice President Richard Nixon gave him in office "Give me a week and I'll think about it."  Lucky that President Obama did not feel compelled to cite Mrs. Clinton's accomplishments. 

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