Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump (R-NY) has been trying to make a great play to win the military and veterans vote, as so many of them are against Democrat Presidential nominee Hillary Clinton (D-NY). Trump has emphasized rebuilding our military and solving Veterans Administration hospitals continued patient care problem for veterans.
With this in mind, Trump spoke before the Retired American Warriors PAC gathering in Herndon, Virginia, Mr. Trump was tossed a verbal softball by a questioner about a prospective Trump Administration's attention to Tramatic Brain Injury (TBI) and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), which afflicts many veterans returning from today's battlefield. Trump's answer to this puff ball question was such a foul ball that it evokes the military acronym FUBAR.
Suggesting that soldiers suffering from PTSD due to combat experiences are not strong is pain ignorant and insulting, despite the dulcet tones and fleeting promises contained his Mr. Trump's response.
Perhaps such boorish buffoonery should not be surprsing from Mr. Trump, as he made great hay about insulting Senator John McCain (R-AZ) being a "loser" because he was interred in the Hanoi Hilton as a POW for five years. And this ignorance may arise from the Donald because the closest to combat Trump came was surviving his "personal Vietnam" by avoiding STDs in the 1980s.
After shooting his mouth off about PTSD soldiers, it is a question of whether Mr. Trump politically shot himself in the foot with his insulting answer. If veterans and their families want a President who will actively rebuild America's military capability as well as support the interests of veterans, it is dubious that they would vote for Mrs Clinton, Mr "What is Aleppo" Libertarian Governor Gary Johnson (L-NM) or Green Party candidate Jill Stein (Green-MA). There is Independent Presidential candidate Evan McMullin (I-UT), who advocates more conservative political perspectives, has made the ballot (or qualified for write in status) in 34 states, but has not made much of an impact in national polls.
It is a good bet if active military men and women could publicly participate in politics, they might well affix this on their bumpers.
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