Barely half a day had passed since five Dallas Law Enforcement officers (including one transit cop) were gunned down at a "peaceful" anti-police protest until the head of the Congressional Black Caucus blamed the GOP for the gun violence.
Rep. Butterfield's (D-NC 1st) extolled Black Lives Matter and demanded action of their grievances yet failed to recognize the assassination of five policemen protecting the rights of Black Lives Matter inspired agitators who were exercising their First Amendment Rights in Dallas. One can infer that Butterfield blamed Republicans even for the Dallas Police Shootings
To add insult to injury, the gunman from the Dallas Police Shootings explicitly noted that he wanted to kill white people, especially white police officers. It seems that the gunman was acting upon the recent shootings in Baton Rouge and Minnesota. Moreover, it seems that the gunman was also a member of the New Black Panthers.
Yet Congressional Black Caucus kept on target and blamed their bete noir, the GOP in order to rush through legislation to grab guns which has already perished in the Senate. Realistically, the point is not to pass legislation in the 114th Congress but to have a campaign issue to demonize Republicans in the general election, and stiffen support next year.
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