
Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Planned Parenthood Chief's Fowl Analogy of Ted Cruz

Cecile Richards on Ted Cruz

In stumping for Hillary Clinton's run for Democrat nomination for President, Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards made a fowl analogy about Republican Presidential hopeful Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX). 

Such attacks against Cruz coming from an abortuary activist like Cecile Richards is not unexpected, as the Senator Cruz  has an outspoken pro-life position.  It is dubious if she would attack Republican front-runner Donald Trump, who still lauds the work of Planned Parenthood, while espousing a variety of supposed pro-life positions but who finished by supporting the status quo. 

What is interesting is Cecile Richards' choice of a fast food analogy to justify her position.

The Center for Medical Progress' series of expose videos featuring various Planned Parenthood apparently selling baby body parts. 

While the KFC quip may have been coarsely cute and a chip off of her mom's (former Texas Gov. Ann Richards D-TX) block, depicting your clients as chickens to be processed does no favors for feminists nor prospective pro-choice clients.

Three years ago, the grizzly details of the Kermit Gosnell trial came to light in Philadelphia, where the abortion doctor ran an unsafe and unsanitary late term abortion clinic targeting poor and minority women.  Gosnell was convicted of three counts of first degree murder along with one count of unsanitary manslaughter and sentenced to life without parole plus thirty years.

Some might wonder why the Gosnell horror show was invoked regarding Cecile Richard's scoring political points against Cruz.  Well, Richard's metaphor reveals the low regard she has for the women she's supposedly serving, just as Gosnell did.  And that's not just chicken stuff. 

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