
Friday, April 29, 2016

Cruz Manifestly Slams Communism at Campaign Stop

Ted Cruz on the Communist Manifesto

During a campaign event in Elkhart, Indiana, a student asked Republican Presidential hopeful Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) to sign his "economics textbook".  Cruz obliged but noted that the tome was the "Communist Manifesto" by Karl Marx.

Rather than call out thugs to make the disrupter disappear, Cruz made his point through a clever signing statement. WSBT cameras covered how Cruz noted how millions suffered because of this economic ideology and how it impacted his family's history.  Cruz then thanked the student for coming to the event.

This is a much different tact than seems to occur at Trump rallies.  It is not just the Trump riot in Santa Cruz, California.  It seems that pugnaciousness is encouraged and dissent is not tolerated at in the Trump rump.

This is not the first time that Cruz has engaged with opposition in his audience to his advtange.  Last July, Code Pink crashed a rally against the Iran Deal in Lafayette Park near the White House.  Instead of shouting down the opposition or folding the tent, Cruz lent the microphone to Medea Benajamin and other Pink protester to engage with them on their points, rather than staged talking points. But naturally that does not make the news, because the Lamestream Media would rather cover such vital stories as Cruz refers to basketball rings in Indiana.

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