
Thursday, December 3, 2015

Channeling The Force on the Hawkeye Hustings

Presidential candidates spend lots of time doing retail politics in New Hampshire and Iowa to convince first contest voters to support them.  Often they repeat the same refrains time after time, which gets to be old hat to journalists on the campaign beat but sounds fresh to new audiences. 

So it's refreshing when a candidate breaks from well worn scripts to show some humanity.  Senator Ted Cruz let loose with a couple of classic Star Wars impressions during a public availability in Iowa. 

The coven on ABC's "The View" was not impressed with Cruz's impressions of Yoda and Darth Vader as they called the exercise embarrassing.  Of course the self proclaimed comediennes who are regulars on The View lean so far left that they would never have a kind word for a Republican. But few GOP primary voters would be bewitched enough to watch the televised progressive feminist gab-fest.

This is not the first time in which Cruz has publicly demonstrated his audiographic memory on cinematic notable quotables. In  November, Cruz did an off-the-cuff rendition of the Miracle Max scene from "The Princess Bride" (1987).   Will the next media moment be from Monty Python's "And Now for Something Completely Different" (1972)  or from "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" (1975).

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