
Friday, September 11, 2015

Honoring the Heroics of 9/11 First Responders

Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain was a Union General who was awarded a Medal of Honor for his gallantry during the Battle of Gettysburg.  Gen. Chamberlain's profound invocation of a Civil War cemetery in 1889 gave solace to a Russ Kleat, a  soulful First Responder at Ground Zero after the 9/11 Islamist terror attack on the World Trade Center.

It is easier to mourn the loss of 2606 lives lost in an instant as the Twin Towers imploded.  But there are many First Responders who made it out alive but who have been mentally scarred and physically impaired by their dedicated service. 

It seems just that the New York Fire Department has been gradually adding names to the 9/11 Memorial Wall of First Responders who have fallen due to illnesses related to their efforts after 9/11.

The valiance of the 9/11 First Responders gives new poignancy to Gen. Chamberlain's invocation.  I will think of the line "the mystery of grace" now whenever I see photos of the Tower of Lights remembering 9/11 victims.

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