
Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Netanyahu: “The greatest danger facing our world is the marriage of militant Islam with nuclear weapons.”

Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu made his third address before a Joint Session of Congress to in order speak about existential threats against his nation which stem from the prospective Iran Nuclear Deal. 

The Obama Administration expressed offense at the Netanyahu speech because House Speaker John Boehner broke protocol by not having not cleared the invitation with the Obama White House (never mind the constitution). The ire against the Israeli P.M.'s remarks then shifted that it was too close to the Israeli elections, even though National Security Adviser Susan Rice recently railed against Netanyahu for undermining US/Israel relations.   Some 56 Congressional Democrats boycotted Netanyahu's speechValerie Jarrett insisted that President Obama was too busy to watch our only Democratic ally in the Middle East's speech. 

These petulant politicos missed a 40 minute speech which had the feel of a State of the Union address, but with substance arguing against making a bad deal with a revolutionary, expansionistic, jihadic regime with an earned bad reputation.  

While Prime Minister Netanyahu displayed extraordinary graciousness to Democrats (and had a shout out to Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) and Bibi underlined underpublicized kindnesses which President Obama has shown towards Israel, the speech was a methodical public policy schooling of the perils of bad deals with Persians.  Shortly before he delivered his remarks, the White House warned Netanyahu not to reveal state secrets about the Iran talks. Hence, Mr. Netanyahu noted that he was using public sources for his citations so people could Google it.

Mr. Netanyahu also thanked Congress for its robust support for their alliance in a rough neighborhood over the years.  To illustrate how instrumental the American-Israeli relationship has been, Netanyahu noted: "This Capitol Dome helped build our Iron Dome" (the missile system which protected Israeli civilians from random rocket terror during the latest military campaign by Palestinian militant terrorism from HAMAS

Netanyahu substantiated the ignomy of the revolutionary Islamic Republic of Iran and reminded people that spreading jihad is part of the current Iranian constitution. While Washington seems to have been concerned about ISIS's atrocious antics, Mr. Netanyahu opined that Iranian intentions toward crafting it's own caliphate is no better as the are both competing for the crown of militant Islam.  Thus: "The enemy of  your enemy is your enemy."  

Prime Minister Netanyahu argued against making a bad deal with Tehran rather than no deal at all.  Netanyahu detailed how a deal on the Iran Nukes would not be a farewell to arms but a farewell to arms control in the Middle East.  The Prime Minister invoked U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry's analysis that Iran could eventually gain nuclear weapons because the prospective agreement does not require destruction of centrofuses and could quickly be ramped up after an agreement.  Bibi quipped that Tehran is adroit at playing "hide and cheat" with weapons inspectors.  Besides, inspectors just document but do not stop cheating. Furthermore, the Iranian missile program is not covered in the nuclear deal, so the Islamic Republic could quickly propel their inchoate arms to Europe or even America. 

Netanyahu rallied the Congressional crowd by exhorting: "We must all stand together to stop Iran's march of conquest, subjugation and terror."  This was coupled with the wisdom "The greatest danger facing our world is the marriage of militant Islam with nuclear weapons."

The Lamestream Media has been lax at explaining the nuances and prospective pitfalls of the Iranian Nuclear Talks.  Netanyahu's speech brought these issues to the forefront of public consideration.  Moreover, the warm reception which the Israeli Prime Minister was received by Congress highlights the strength of US-Israeli relations, in the face of an Obama Administration which seems intent to punish its friends and rewarding its enemies in a tough neighborhood of the world. In arguing against the existential threat against Israel, the Prime Minister underlined that it will act alone in necessary but that "I know that Israel does not stand alone-- America stands with Israel."

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