
Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Rep. Hank Johnson on Dr. Ben Carson

Representative Hank Johnson (D-GA 4th), the four term incumbent from Atlanta, expressed some interesting views while on the Michael Smerconish radio program.  

While it was no surprise that a member of the Congressional Black Caucus such as Rep. Johnson would voice undying support for the first black President Barack Obama, it is interesting to see how other African American aspirants to the Oval Office are given short shrift because of ideology.

When Congressman Johnson cited Dr. Ben Carson, he suggested that the former Johns Hopkins neurosurgeon was whipping up a frenzied lynch mob ignorant peoples' political support.   That seems like a stretch considering Dr. Carson's tempered, soft-spoken demeanor and his appeals for Americans to appreciate the constitutional foundations of this Republic.  But it may be that Mr. Johnson thinks that repeating outrageous accusations will suffice for a Groobered public.

Then again, consider Congressman Johnson's district  and his history.  After all, he succeeded former Representative Cynthia McKinney (D-GA 4th). 

 Moreover, Rep. Johnson's national claim to fame was during House Armed Services Committee in which he vexed about Guam becoming so overpopulated that it would capsize. This exchange with the Admiral of the Pacific Fleet went viral.  Johnson claimed that he was speaking metaphorically.  You be the judge.

And political junkies think that Republicans are the stupid party.

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