
Monday, March 10, 2014

McConnell Vows to Crush Tea Party in GOP Primaries

Days after Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) gave a seven minute speech at  CPAC 2014 and promised a Senate in the 114th Congress that would make retiring conservative Senator Tom Coburn proud, the New York Times exposed McConnell's true colors.  The New York Times magazine quoted McConnell: "I think we are going to crush them everywhere.  I don't think they are going to have a single nominee anywhere in the country."

Granted, the five term Senator is facing a primary challenge in Kentucky by Tea Party sympathizer Matt Bevin, so he may feel feisty about Tea Party challenges.  While McConnell may be up 40 points over his opponent, it does not hold that the same trend holds elsewhere.

Sen. Pat Roberts (R-KS)
Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) successfully repelled primary challenges from a crowded GOP field.  But  Senator Pat Roberts (R-KS) may face problems in Kansas especially since it has been shown that Roberts live in Kansas and that he only established residency renting a room in Dodge City only after Milton Wolfe filed his primary challenge.

[L] Sen. Thad Cochran (R-MS)
Seven term incumbent Senator Thad Cochran (R-MS) is being challenged by Mississippi State Senator Christopher McDaniel (R-MS 42nd, Ellisburg)  who is backed by the conservative Club for Growth.  In December, a Human Events poll showed the 76 year old incumbent tied with McDaniel.

There are open races in Georgia, North Carolina and Alaska, so Cocktail Party simpaticos may not be shoe-ins for McConnell.

What is curious is the cocky contrast that the uncamouflaged McConnell has addressing elites on elections compared to the contrite rhetoric uttered at CPAC about bringing the fight for the little guy next year.  If McConnell meant to protect the little guy's interest, why would he wait until next year?  

Last September, Senator Ted Cruz brought the fight on Obamacare with his flying flip quasi filibuster, but was abandoned by the GOP Senate leadership, even though many of Cruz's suggestions have been imposed by unconstitutional Executive fiat. Pro arguendo, if McConnell's claims of crushing the Tea Party are true, what impetus will the go along to get along Cocktail Party have to legislate like conscientious conservatives, especially with President Obama still in the White House? 

Some talk show types have railed against the supposed standing ovation which McConnell received at CPAC. Being in the ballroom for McConnell's time on center stage, I can testify that there is more applause for a double bogie on an PGA putting green than what Senate Majority Leader McConnell got at CPAC.  What was unexpected was candidate McConnell's contrite campaigning to quickly being shown to be as phony as triumphantly branding a firearm onstage at CPAC.

h/t: John Darkow 

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