
Monday, August 5, 2013

Fierce Creatures Between the Beltways?

Now that it is Summer recess time Between the Beltways, it usually is silly season when stories like whether Weiner will pull out of the New York City mayoral race would rule the roost among news junkies.

 So now might be a good time to reconsider the defense mechanisms of threatened creatures, particularly of certain species of political animals.

Notice the loud instinctive reaction of the Donkey.  But the braying seems to sway a core 40% of the American electorate (markedly more after the prospective passage of "compromise" immigration "reform").

Of course the GOP's symbol was not depicted as it is not a fierce creature which depending upon political climate change may become extinct.  The proto-symbol of the Cocktail Party is the jellyfish, spineless and you can see right through them, may become more prominent if certain maverick political animals bolt from the pack and become "Independent".

Unlike in the wild, the defense mechanisms of political animals are about as genuine and menacing as the menagerie in the movie Fierce Creatures (1997).

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