
Saturday, January 26, 2013

At This Point, What Difference Does It Make?

After having four months after the terror attack on the U.S. Embassy annex in Benghazi, Libya which killed Ambassador Stevens and three other Americans, Obama's Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton was prepared for battle with somewhat combative Congressional questioning.

 In an infamous exchange between Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) and the outgoing Secretary of State, Ms. Clinton was pressed about whether the Benghazi situation was precipitated by a spontaneous protest over an obscure internet video as the Obama Administration had maintained for several weeks. The Secretary of State had an angry retort "At this point, what difference does it make?"

This was a strange response from a person who assumed responsibility for the the debacle. Claim to take the wrap and then stop anyone from probing the situation.

 Perhaps what counts is the political science adage "Where you stand is where you sit." Or maybe it's where you stand that counts.

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