
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Showing Respect for America's Geopolitical Friends

Presumptive GOP Presidential nominee former Governor Mitt Romney (R-MA) gave a significant new foreign policy speech before the VFW national convention in Reno, Nevada.  Before flying overseas on a high profile trip as a Presidential candidate, Romney made some clear distinctions between incumbent President Barack Obama's tenure in foreign affairs and Romney's druthers. This was particularly evident in how America's friends in Poland and Israel have gotten the short shrift in the Obama administration. 

Vice President Joe Biden, a Natural Treasure, released a lengthy critique of the remarks which complained that Romney was stuck in a Cold War mentality.  Like stenographers for the White House, the Lamestream Media that chose to cover Romney's VFW speech dismissed the Republican candidate's foreign policy speech as being vacuous and short on details

Watch for yourself Mitt Romney's speech before the VFW and discern if it was all sizzle and no steak.

Voters will decide if a new Commander-in-Chief will respect America's allies or bow to pushing the reset button four years ago.

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