
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Dreams from Mitt Romney's Father

[2nd from L.] Gov. George Romney (R-MI) walking in MLK inspired Freedom March in Grosse Pointe, MI June 29, 1963

On the campaign stump, presumptive Republican Presidential Nominee Gov. Mitt Romney (R-MA) will echo this pearl of wisdom from his father.

The photo shows newly elected Governor George Romney (R-MI) risking his political capital to participate in a Martin Luther King inspired Freedom March in his tony home town of Grosse Pointe, Michigan during the summer of 1963. This was not a one off photo op. Romney's father did not support 1964 GOP nominee Senator Barry Goldwater (R-AZ) because of his civil rights position and earned the Michigan Governor vituperative hate mail.

This axiom paired with George Romney's example supporting civil rights is particularly poignant considering the early 2012 campaign meme smearing the Latter Day Saints' faith for not permitting blacks to be ordained as priests until 1978 to give the impression that Mormonism was tarred by racism.

Mitt, George & Lenore Romney, 1962
photo: AP
People should not choose Presidents for their pedigrees but for their proven accomplishments along with their policy aspirations. But much of President Obama's appeal has been on his biography while surrogates in the campaign and the media trash Mitt Romney's C.V. This notable quotable should shed light on the dreams of Mitt Romney's father which informs his son.

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