
Thursday, July 12, 2012

Biden's Bluster at the NAACP

Vice President Joe Biden addressed the NAACP at their annual convention in Houston on behalf of his boss, President Barack Obama. Mr. Obama excused his absence at the NAACP convention due to a scheduling conflict, but CNN reports that aside from his normal closed door meetings and an interview with Charlie Rose, there is nothing else on the President’s schedule. But the Democrat Presidential candidate tried to redeem himself by a video greeting where Obama announced that “I stand on your shoulders.”...
Amazingly enough there was plenty of empty seats for our National Treasure's NAACP stand up routine. Organizers excused the sea of empty seats due to a torrential rain storm in Houston. As for excuse, it calls to mind the bromide “Any port in a storm.”
Pity, as they missed a speech with political pandering, playing the race card, some interesting shout outs and of course some Biden's blunders.
READ MORE at the DCBarroco website

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