
Monday, April 30, 2018

Revealing Quips on Abortion at the White House Correspondents' Dinner

Michelle Wolf jokes about Vice President Mike Pence and Abortion at 2018 White House Correspondents' Dinner

[L] Michelle Wolfe [R] Sarah Huckabee Sanders WHCD 2018
During the 2018 White House Correspondents’ Dinner, the headliner entertainer Michelle Wolf offered what was supposed to be a comedy routine.  Many have focused on the mean spirited ad hominem attacks on Trump White House Spokesperson Sarah Huckabee Sanders.  However, what was truly revealing was Ms. Wolf’s barbs about abortion.

Although she claimed to only be a comedienne making jokes, much of Wolf’s  material was pointedly partisan, mostly aimed at those on the right.  Since it has become televised, the White House Correspondents Dinner (a.k.a. “Nerd Prom”) has devolved into a mean spirited roast.  As elites have attempted to delegitimize the duly elected Trump Administration since even before he took office, the mainstream media (with few exceptions) has embraced the modus operendi of “The Resistance” and politicized everything as well as mainstreaming progressive politics

Ms. Wolf  claimed that she did not want President Trump impeached because it would mean Vice President Mike Pence would take over.  This opposition seem born from Mr. Pence’s deep pro-life position.  Wolf’s joke about abortion was grotesque but fascinating because the premise and framing of her presumed bon mot reveal the lies of the pro-choice movement.

America had been propagandized that the left wanted abortion to the “Safe, legal and rare”. Sure.  

So what about: “Don’t know it until you try it – and when you try it really knock it.”?  Obviously a crude play on words.  What was more revealing was Michelle Wolf’s admission: “You know, you really have to get that baby out of there.”    Isn’t abortion supposed to be about unviable fetuses, or lumps of tissues?  These callous comments reveal that progressives feel so comfortable with abortion that they don’t mind admitting that it is infanticide during rubber chicken dinner jokes.

The latter half of Wolf’s un-“funny” about abortion seemed ill targeted.  Wolf seemed to justify abortion if it was for your secret mistresses.  Mike Pence is an evangelical Christian who rightfully has a reputation of being a Boy Scout.  

  If there is one thing that a Philosophy of Humor class inculcated was that in order to be funny, humor must have an element of truth to it but approach it from an unexpected angle to catch an audience by surprise.  With that in mind, enquiring minds want to know if this was a contrast to Mr. Pence’s straight as an arrow reputation, or is she insinuating that he is a hypocrite and has sex on the side and paid to cover it up.   It may be more likely that Wolf forgot who she was insulting and wanted to impugn the elephant not in the room, President Trump and his messy personal life.

That being said, it is interesting that a roomful of elites were not scandalized about killing human life as they ate their desserts. Apparently, joking about abortion is just another laugh line for them.  To be fair, a few voices in the media have registered protest about how the White House Correspondents' Dinner has confirmed the caricatures of the media made by Trump supporters.  But on the whole, the press corps has rallied around the banner of the First Amendment and speaking truth to power.

One of the reasons that the left has fought so hard against legislative attempts to mandate ultrasounds before abortion is because many mothers to be see an unborn child in the x-ray and might change their minds about terminating their pregnancy.  At the very least, an ultrasound impeaches the lies that they tell themselves to justify termination as part of “Women’s Reproductive Health”. 

Michelle’s Wolf’s jokes about abortion have served as cultural ultrasound.  Humorists often push the envelope to get a laugh and her routine about abortion certainly looked about those lines.  But the way she framed it revealed the truth about terminating a pregnancy.  The left now seems to embrace joking about killing a baby with laughs.  Perhaps such a comedic routine might have been edgily acceptable during a stand up set at a late night comedy club.  But Michelle Wolf’s venue was as the hired help of Nerd Prom, elite swamp dwellering jo-whore-nalists (sic) celebrating themselves wrapped around the First Amendment. Is it any wonder that President Trump chose not to attend?

Of course the First Amendment gave Ms Wolf to say whatever she liked, no matter how offensive. However, that does not mean that it is immune from critique and criticism.  The White House Correspondents’ Association extended an invite to Michelle Wolf so they certainly knew her shtick.  The lack of verbal reproach or walking away from the abortion “joke” speaks volumes about the attitude of elites. 

Polling has shown that approximately half of the country is pro-life.  Hundreds of thousands gather each year on the National Mall in the middle of January under the March for Life Banner to protest Roe v. Wade (1973).  Pro-Lifers have a reputation for being one issue voters.  Now that the left has dropped their veil about pretending that abortion is not about killing babies, we will see if the silent majority will embrace the practice like our media "betters"  or if there will be marked push-back.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

On Constitutional Push Back to California's Sanctuary State Law

San Diego County voted in with a 3-1 margin to defy California's Sanctuary State law.  In October 2017, Governor Jerry Brown (D-CA) signed SB-54, which was passed by the Democrat majority in the California legislature, which vastly limited who state and local law enforcement can hold, question and transfer at the request of federal immigration authorities.  Basically, the Sanctuary State law mandates that California's law enforcement officials defy federal immigration law. 

When appearing at the National Press Club, Governor Brown highlighted his intractability to enforcing existing federal immigration law as he proclaimed that California National Guard troops would not perform immigration enforcement activities, including vehicle repair or monitoring security cameras.

Some California municipalities and local governments have formally voted to follow federal law, which is contrary to SB-54.  Many of these jurisdictions have joined in the Sessions Justice Departments lawsuits regarding SB-54, AB 450 which prohibits employers from allowing warrant-less access to non public workplace areas and AB 103 which enjoins local governments from expanding or making new contracts for new civil immigration detention centers.

Is Comey Just a Retrograde or a Crackpot Narcissist?

Mark Levin on ex FBI Director James Comey

In promotion of ex FBI Director James Comey's new book  Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies and Leadership (2018), he gave a five hour interview with former Clinton press flak George Stephanopolis.  Instead of revealing new information about his untimely exit from the helm of the FBI after the Clinton Email scandal and the allegations of Russian meddling in the 2016 election, Comey's tome seemed to be a self justifying exercise to  settle scores, particularly against President Trump.

Clinton loyalists like Lannie Davis still think that Mr. Comey cost Hillary Clinton the 2016 election, and label his self righteous antics as being a retrograde narcissist.  While those on the right look his stated philosophy about investigations and contrast it to how he wrote an exoneration for Hillary Clinton weeks before interviewing the principal witness, concluding that he was a dirty cop.  

Either way, Mr. Comey sure enjoys the limelights as he blames others for the messes which he is embroiled.  Perhaps surrealist artist Claude Martin conveyed could convey Comey's persona best.

Narcissus by Claude Martin
Narcissus (2014) by Claude Martin

Mark Zuckerberg = Mr. Data Accumulator?

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg as Mr. Data Accumulator

Mark Zuckerberg, the 33 year old founder and CEO of Facebook, has developed a reputation of being stiff when forced to present himself as a typical corporate executive.

In order to prepare for the ten hours of questioning on Capitol Hill concerning data proliferation and privacy concerns in social media, Zuckerberg was prepped by K Street public relations people to look professional and less robotic.  


Alas, that effort was only partially  effective.   Zuckerbook lost his typical grey hoodie for a suit which helped.  But his scripted replies  seemed synthetic and akin to an android.  So much so, wags wondered if Mark Zuckerberg ought to be called Mr. Data Accumulator, an estranged relation of Data from Star Trek The Next Generation.

Diamond and Silk on Social Media Censorship

Diamond and Silk on cyber censorship on Facebook

Prominent conservative voices in social media, such as Diamond and Silk and Dan Bongino, have vociferously voiced outrage that Big Internet has banned them as being unsafe for the social media  community because of their outspoken ideological opinions. This parallels YouTube demonetizing many of Dennis Prager's popular Prager U videos because the conservative views expressed did not sync with the progressive views of their internet overlords. And Twitter is infamous for shadow banning conservatives, even Senator Ted Cruz, without recourse or equal application against outrageous leftist Twits.

Diamond and Silk, who gained fame through their vigorous defense of then Presidential candidate Donald Trump during the 2016 campaign, did not silently take this rough trade from Facebook. On Fox and Friends, Diamond and Silk postulated that Mark Zuckerberg needed to "[S]uck it up, buttercup" and accept diverse viewpoints and freedom of speech on its social network, just as the small Indiana pizzeria would be forced to cater a same-sex wedding despite their religious objections to the ceremony.

Alas, Diamond and Silk have a weak case in a court of law.  Without meandering into the details of RFRA and First Amendment religious liberty, same-sex marriage proponents could point to civil rights legislation which the Supreme Court in Obergefell v. Harris claim a right to dignity for that class.  What protected class can Diamond and Silk rightfully claim against Facebook?

However, in the court of public opinion, Facebook engaging in ideological viewpoint discrimination could be a compelling case for action.  Does MySpace mean anything to Mark Zuckerberg?  That was a social media precursor to Facebook, but when it stopped being cool, it became ghost of itself and a dark web conduit.  Facebook is much bigger and is receiving congressional scrutiny.  Between viewpoint discrimination and revelations of data mining, shareholders should be concerned if Facebook were to become a fraction of its former self.

Facebook has ceased to be a mainly youth oriented site.  Adults may well chafe at having their lives data sold by the social media company.  But for motivated conservatives, this cyber censorship may well have this active demographic find alternatives to speak freely, like on GAB.

London Mayor Calls for Knife Ban on the Street to Control Violent Crime

London Mayor Sadiq Khan on banning knives to combat violent crime

Since the Firearm Act of 1997 essentially prohibited  British subjects from owning handguns and making certificates to own long guns an onerous and time consuming process, Britain has become the most violent country in Europe.  In fact, London had 55 murders in the first three months of 2018, which was more than New York City.

London Mayor Sadiq Khan (London-Labor) complains that budgetary cuts in policing have endangered public safety.  But Khan's knee jerk reaction is to suggest banning knives on the street, as if further weapons bans will work.  

This should be a lesson for public policy pundits who want to have what they term as "reasonable" Gun Reform Now, starting by banning the AR-15 assault weapon.  

When questioning progressives to define an assault weapon, they like to invoke Associate Justice Potter Stewart's obscenity threshold test "I know it when I see it."  When challenging the lack of effectiveness of the US 1994 Assault Weapons ban, as was measured through provisions of the enacted legislation, it is common to hear the "We've got to do something" rationale.   When it is noted that there are at least 330 million legal guns in the US and law abiding citizens are likely to be the only ones who would comply with a ban, gun grabbers' modus operendi is "We have to start somewhere." And dare one propose looking to root problems like mental illness or sudden jihad syndrome then epithets and accusations of NRA propaganda are invoked.

Larry King on the Second Amendment

With warped wisdom on the Second Amendment, it is no wonder that today Larry King seems welcomed on South Park and on the Russian Television propaganda channel.

Vlad from the Kremlin, you're now on the air (sic).

Remembering MLK: In the Name of Love

Fifty years ago today, the Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee by a racist shooter. Many cities burned, including Washington DC, in reaction to this murder.

One of the early anthems of the rock super-group U-2 is "Pride--In the Name of Love", which commemorated this horrible event as well as reinforcing the peaceful messages of the Reverend King.